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Photography Question 

Harry Lichtman

Will vignetting occur with a 24mm lens?

I am considering buying a 24mm lens for use with landscapes, but often use graduated Neutral density filters in a Cokin "P" holder. Will vignetting occur? I plan on usinf a 77mm filter step up ring on the end of the len's 72mm threads, so that I can attach my current polarizing filter. I often have to zoom my current 28-135mm lens with the use of the filter holder to eliminate the dark corners, Any experience folks might have with this situation would be helpful.

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February 24, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  You seem to have it under control. The best solution to vignetting is simply to use a larger size filter, as you suggested. You can also buy special "thin mount" filters now, but no need for that if what you already have will work.
Michael H. Cothran

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February 24, 2005


Harry Lichtman
  Thanks Michael. I've been ale to solve the problem with my 28-135 zoom by using the zoom, which brings me out toabout 30mm. I will not be able to do that with a 24mm lens. Is there a larger filter holder/filter system for wide angle lenses? I currently use the Singh Ray rectngular filters in a "P" holder.


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February 24, 2005

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