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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How Can I Work with 36-bit Film Scanned Images?

I have found much greater color accuracy when scanning film at 36-bit color depth. Photoshop however is limited when working with these images. Why is the considering the improved detail?

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December 25, 2000


Ken Pang
  Hi Michael, I've never used Photoshop, so I'm not sure if you're saying that you lose functions when you say Photoshop is limited, or you mean that the Photos become "unworkable", because it becomes too slow.

If it's the latter, think about this for a second: The Pentium III registers are actually 4x32 bits wide. That means if you set the colour depth to 32 bits or less, you can process 4 pixels per instruction.

As soon as you go over 32 bits, your computer then has to go into 64 bit mode, or double precision mode. Not only are you then limited to 2 pixels per instruction, but it is also generally accepted that single precision instructions execute much faster than double precision instructions.

On the other hand, you can just get a couple of Pentium 4s and hook them up in parallel. We call that (in Australia) the "American Fire Power" approach. Throw enough force at it and it'll fix anything.

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December 25, 2000

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