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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Filter or Lighting?

I shoot a lot of skateboarding pictures. I want my pictures to have an overall green tint to them. I want all of the colors to come out but I want a green feel to the picture, like when you look at it there's almost a green haze over it. Now my question is, can I achieve this by using a filter or with putting a green gel in front of my flash?

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December 25, 2000


Ian F. Fan
  It's best to use a green filter (you will need to decide how much green you want) and you might want to add some other effect filters as IMHO green alone would make it ugly, but each to their own. The problem with the flash is not much of it would be visible in daylight and when you are far away, thus the green effect that you wish to achieve isn't noticeable or barely there.

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December 26, 2000


Romen Vargas
  You can always ask to get the photo reprinted with more green in it... I'm sure they can do that... I often cheat by asking for a reprint with more red in it (cause I haven't gotten around to buying a warming filter yet).

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December 28, 2000

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