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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Keith Penney


  Flash Problems
Flash Problems

Keith Penney

Photo to go with question.....

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February 22, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
I didn't see a question, but your photo is very typical of what to expect using an oncamera flash in a big open room. It's a bad picture for sure - overexposed subject with underexposed background. But...very, very typical.
Is your question how to get a better shot under this specific condition??
If so, here's the answer -
Dial in a -1 stop for your flash, and set your camera to manual with a shutter speed of 1/15 second, and an f-stop of f5.6. Ignore your meter, but be sure your flash TTL is on.
Michael H. Cothran

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February 24, 2005


Tammy L. Odell
I have had some of the same problems with some of my images from my dig rebel. Some of the exposers were perfect and some were blown out badly. My question to you is, if you set your shutter to 1/15 second, won't you need a tripod?? I took some photos of my daughter homcoming the other evening and didn't change a thing in the two shots below, only my focal lenght a little bit and one image is way overexposed. Sometimes I do dial in a -1 or 1 and 1/2 on my flash exposure comp. But that takes time to do reshoots. I have my first wedding in 1 week and 3 days!!! I have assisted on 4 others and a few images turn out the same way when I used my digital. I know this doesn't make sense, but I only notice images blown out that way when I change focal lenghts. I would love advice on how to fix the prob. Using a tripod would be very cumbersome at a wedding. Thanks in advance!!

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February 24, 2005


Tammy L. Odell
Here they are!!

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February 24, 2005


Tammy L. Odell
  1/60 @ F4
1/60 @ F4

Tammy L. Odell

  1/60 @ F4
1/60 @ F4

Tammy L. Odell

  1/60 @ F4
1/60 @ F4

Tammy L. Odell

Why aren't they uploading?????????

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February 24, 2005

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