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Photography Question 


Do I need a new lens to do what I want?

I already posted this elsewhere, but would like as much feedback as possible. I am using a D70 and would like to know if using a 50mm lens would allow me to produce more crystalline photos at (usually) around F/4.5 and 35mm? No matter what I do, I don't seem to get the really lovely, clear photos I feel like I am seeing EVERYWHERE except in my OWN PHOTOS!! Would a 50mm lens help?

Or, is it just that my lighting is weird, too low of shutter speed, etc? Anyone, please jump in and tell me.

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February 20, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  You don't mention what lens you currently own. Is it the 18-70 that comes with the D70 as a kit? If so, it's a fine lens, and should yield excellent results.
I also think you are somewhat confused about lenses. You ask if you should get a 50mm lens to shoot at 35mm. Sorry. This makes no sense at all.
I CAN give you this information, which may help.
The problem may be a slow shutter speed, and not the lens. If you are hand holding in available light, you shutter speed may be too slow to get a sharp image due to camera shake. Also, your focusing, even in auto, may be slightly off. Either of these can kill a picture.
Nikon makes an excellent 50/1.8 lens, which in today's market @ about $100, is dirt cheap. It's larger maximum aperture will allow you to shoot in lower light levels than the 18-70. And, the 50mm should give you superb resolution between f2.8 - f5.6. But, if your shutter speed continues to be too slow, or your focus is off, then it won't make any difference anyway.
Michael H. Cothran

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February 20, 2005


  Are when your edit the photos are you doing sharpening to them? Most all digital photos will need post processing. I use the unsharpen mask on almost all mine. Here is an article which may help explain this a little better:


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February 20, 2005


  gosh, reread my response and can't believe it doesn't make sense! HA! The first sentence should read, "when you edit the photos are you sharpening them?" Sorry, hope that makes a little more sense!

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February 20, 2005


Thank you so much, both of you. Michael- yes, I'm using the 18-70mm lens. Sorry I'm toally new to this, can you tell?!?! :) Just received the Nikon from my sweet husband who is convinced I have "an eye" (but NO understanding of SLRs!!!)

I used a tripod.

Is the 50/1.8 lens appropriate for the d70, or should I purchase the other 50mm that is about $300? AND- why is it so much? Also- would you mind telling me why, if you can tell, this other one was so much more clear? (see this pic)

Mellanie- thanks, too, to you. I will manipulate when I have time, and I will be sure to check out the link.

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February 20, 2005


Thank you so much, both of you. Michael- yes, I'm using the 18-70mm lens. Sorry I'm toally new to this, can you tell?!?! :) Just received the Nikon from my sweet husband who is convinced I have "an eye" (but NO understanding of SLRs!!!)

I used a tripod.

Is the 50/1.8 lens appropriate for the d70, or should I purchase the other 50mm that is about $300? AND- why is it so much? Also- would you mind telling me why, if you can tell, this other one was so much more clear? (see this pic)

Mellanie- thanks, too, to you. I will manipulate when I have time, and I will be sure to check out the link.

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February 20, 2005


Thank you so much, both of you. Michael- yes, I'm using the 18-70mm lens. Sorry I'm toally new to this, can you tell?!?! :) Just received the Nikon from my sweet husband who is convinced I have "an eye" (but NO understanding of SLRs!!!)

I used a tripod.

Is the 50/1.8 lens appropriate for the d70, or should I purchase the other 50mm that is about $300? AND- why is it so much? Also- would you mind telling me why, if you can tell, this other one was so much more clear? (see this pic)

Mellanie- thanks, too, to you. I will manipulate when I have time, and I will be sure to check out the link.

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February 20, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
Your images are just beautiful, and your natural lighting is soft and sweet. I really believe, especially now that you got a 'sharp' one, that your problem is either handshake (due to too slow of a shutter speed), bad focus, maybe 'subject' movement, or any combination of the above.
About the 50mm lenses - the f1.4 is much more expensive, made by Nikon in Japan, but only about 1/2 stop faster. The 50/1.8, although a "Nikon" lens, is made in China, I believe, and is mostly plastic. By all rights, it should be a cheap, clunker of a performer - performs beautifully, and is definitely worth the $100 or so to have one in your camera bag. (And, yes, it is "appropriate" for your D70). FYI - If you notice - your 18-70 "Nikon" lens is also farmed out - it's made in Thailand!!
The 50/1.8 would be an ideal lens for photographing your children in their rooms by window light, or anywhere else for that matter. It is also extremely small and lightweight. If you've got the extra moola, I think you'll enjoy it! It performs its best between f2.8-f5.6, but you can expect great results between f2 - f11. (Very few lenses perform well wide open or closed down all the way).
By the way, if you're wondering what "too slow" of a shutter speed is, it all depends on things like your lens' balance, your ability to hold the camera still, and the movement in the subject. But that said, I would not try to handhold the 18-70 any slower than 1/30th sec, and would opt for 1/45th or 1/60th if you can.
Michael H. Cothran

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February 20, 2005


  Michael- THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH- that feedback really helps me! (And thanks for taking the time to respond.)

Thanks, too, for your kind words- it means a lot to an absolute beginner :)

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February 20, 2005


Margie M. Heldt
I was just searching the word sharpening and ran into your thread.
I love your photos. The expressions on the childrens faces are priceless.
Actually they have a lovely softness and now I am wondering why I am looking to get all of my photos sharper...On some it is a positive feature, but on some the softness brings out a nicer side of the subject.
I think I will turn off my in camera sharpness and be happy with what I have.
Your photos are beautiful! Margie

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September 03, 2006


Scott H.
After I read your post I decided to look at some of your photos. I ran across one called "Saturday Morning (Between Cartoons)." If you really use a shutter speed of 1/25 second (as listed on the photo), I can see why you might think your photos are blurry. Even a tripod won't stop movement by the subject, which is probably what is going on. Try using at least 1/125 second for your shutter speed. And by the way, nice photos.

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September 03, 2006


anonymous A.
  Your husband is absolutely right, Jessica; you have a wonderful eye!
There is no one reason for your images looking as they do, not as you want, and, as Margie pointed out, some are wonderful BECAUSE of their softness.

Some of the gallery photos are not sharply focused; in some the problem is exposure; in others the tonal range is too wide and in others there is noise related to ISO or light levels. Camera movement or subject movement is an issue in some... I will try to comment on each image (probably tomorrow) and point out the specifics as I see them, but while a new lens would be very nice, it isn't the problem and it won't solve the problems.

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September 21, 2006

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