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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Viewing corrupt/invalid jpegs?!


I've had no problems with downloading and viewing/saving digital photos to PC until now. Both my XD cards needed formatting, although I was able to recover all the photos on the cards with a software program. The problem I have now, is that when I go to view certain files (about 10 of 80), they can't be viewed.

On some I get the message 'Unable to read file *.jpg. The file may be invalid or corrupted' while on others I get only a fraction of the picture, and the rest is muddled around, or all blue, or different colors/blank... can anyone help?? I have been going round in circles on the web with this one and they're irreplaceable photos!

I have tried other viewers, but get the same results. In thumbnail view, by the way, I can see the whole of the all the pictures perfectly.
I've added an example of one.

Thanks in advance!

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February 19, 2005


Robert J. Gillis
  I am having the exact same problem! Does anyone have a solution?

Robert Gillis

To love this comment, log in above
February 08, 2006

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