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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Night Photography

I tried to take some night photography and it didn't work. I set the aperture at 4, used 100 speed film and set the shutter release to 1000. (No flash mind you.) Some of the store front ones turned out pretty good, but any others were completely black. My lab person must have thought I was retarded.

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October 01, 1999


  Go out and buy a tripod. You'll need it shooting night shots on 100 film. If you're trying to shoot landscapes or scenery you'll want to use an aperture smaller than f4. something like f8 or f16. Put your camera on a tripod because you are going to keep the shutter open a long time. It's hard to tell without metering the scene what your shutter speed should be so hopefully your camera meter will give you some idea. Some night shots I've taken have been upwards of 30 minutes to expose the scene. Some are about 30 seconds some a few minutes. Without a tripod you'll get a lot of camera shake.

Hope that helps.

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December 24, 1999

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