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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Donna R. Moratelli

Mini Pics

I was thinking that it would be a cute idea for everyone to put a thumbnail of themselves under their name so we can see each other as we comment..
Wouldn't that be cool??
I going to find a picture of myself and try it today..

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February 13, 2005

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  Excellent idea, Donna!!! I might do that, too!!

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February 13, 2005


Laura Clay-Ballard
  Do we use the same parameters for this "mini pic" as we do our other pics? (jpg,tif,bmp,ping/72ppi/500x750 approx/ less than 2.5mb?

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February 16, 2005


Laura Clay-Ballard
  Well, I found out the answer through a little clicking here and there! The image size will be cropped to a 75 pixel by 75 pixel image. YOu can select a canned image, upload a new image, or select one from your gallery. Either way 75 x 75 pixels is it. See my picture?! LOL

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February 16, 2005


Stephanie Sherwood
  How do you do this?

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February 17, 2005

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