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Photography Question 

Anita White

help with extension tubes

I have reacently bought a set of extension tubes and attached them to my camera. The problem is that I don't know how to remove them; they seem to be stuck. Any ideas why this is happening?

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February 06, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  They should come off easily,...the same way you would remove one of your lenses.
Is it possible that the tubes were the wrong lens mount and were "coerced" into place?

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February 06, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  They should come off exactly the same way you remove your lenses.
Michael H. Cothran

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February 07, 2005


Maynard McKillen
  Dear Anita:
I agree with the above comments, and also want to know which brand and model of camera you have, and which brand of extension tubes you have. Do you still have the original box these tubes came in? What specific information does it say on the box about the lens mount on these tubes? Is it the exact same lens mount found on the make and model of your camera?

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February 07, 2005


Anita White
  I have a Nikon N80.
I bought the extension tubes off ebay, and I don't have the original box. I don't know the brand of the tubes either, but the previous owner told me they were suitable for Nikon cameras.
Thanks everyone for your replies.

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February 08, 2005


Maynard McKillen
  Dear Anita:
Here are a couple of ways to proceed. You could take the camera to a camera store where you know the employess are knowledgeable and experienced, and ask if they can help you remove the tube(s).
In a worst case scenario, if you are far from any well-staffed camera store, you could post a close-up photo of the camera body/tube here at Betterphoto, and someone may me able to describe how to remove it. (Of course, it is ironic that you would not be able to use your own camera, and that it has a close-up attachment stuck to it.)
Was there anything, anthing at all, that seemed a bit funny about how the tube attached? Did it seem to stick at all, or did you have trouble getting it started?
I wonder how certain the previous owner was that these tubes were for Nikon. Did he or she actually use them on a Nikon, or, for example, was he or she simply selling off old equipment that once belonged to a relative.

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February 08, 2005

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