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pictures that are sharp

i use a nikon n80 with a 50mm lense. how can I get my images to look more profesional. I have a hard time getting an image that is really crisp and contrasty. I usualy shoot with either fuji velvia or reala film.

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February 05, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  use the flash on your camera as little as possible, that's what has mad a large difference for me. Try getting closer to the subject. Experiment with depth of field by using high or low fstop numbers. Maybe try to get closer to the gound than standing like normal. Hope this helps!

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February 07, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  The first step is to identify the problem.
When you mentioned Velvia, my first thought for lack of sharpness was possibly camera-shake.
On the shots that are not "crisp" only the action blurry, or are they a little fuzzy throughout?
If the entire image is un-sharp, than you need to use a tripod or other firm support to achieve tack-sharp clarity,...(or select a faster shutter speed and a wider aperture setting).
If only the action is fuzzy, a faster shutter will remedy this as well.

...Not quite sure what you mean by "contrasty". To me, contrast is the relationship between the highlights and the shadows.
I don't know what subject matter you shoot most often, but you can increase contrast by shooting outdoors on a sunny day. The bright sun will create silhouettes and shadows,...and push the limits of your film's exposure latitude.
You can also increase contrast in your compositions, by being aware of the direction of the primary source of light on your subject...and of the background against which your point of interest will be displayed.
(i.e....a light-colored subject against a dark background, and vice-versa).

The best advice I can offer is to keep shooting. Remember what works so you can duplicate it,...and remember what DIDN'T work so next time, you can try something different.

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February 07, 2005


Bunny Snow
  I know it's tough, but take excellent notes. The notes should even include the placements and settings of lights, which modifiers were used, film, filters, apertures, and so forth, as well as the number of the frame. Then, hopefully you'll be able to put the two together after your film is processed.

Also, bracket. Take one exposure at a normal reading, then an equal number above and below the setting. Be certain to take notes at each setting.

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February 07, 2005


jonathan all...your answers were helpful!!

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February 08, 2005


  I read the responses to your sharpness problem and I too have had similar problems except that I was using a manual focus camera. Since you are using a 50 mm lens, shake should not be too much of a problem. You can shoot handheld at 1/60 (although not recommended) and not notice blurring. 1/focal length of the lens should be rule of thumb as a minimum. If you wear glasses like I do and don't have diopters in the cam, that too can be a problem. I currently shoot with an F-100 and the diopters adjusted to my vision and shoot auto-focus and have had no major problems since. Another piece to the puzzle, hope it helps.

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February 10, 2005


  thanks Rob

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February 10, 2005

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