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Photography Question 

Bunny Snow

operation of equipment

This Canon Elan 7E is difficult for me to learn, but I've invested a lot of money into lenses and such, so there's no turning back now.

I want to engage the stabilizer in my 28-135 lens with my Canon Elan, and I understand from the book that I set the C.Fn-13 to 5. I know how to set the custom function to 13. The number which needs to be activated within CFn 13 is #5 which should start the image stabilizer.

How do I move the numbers to #5?
And what will happens once I engage the image stabilizer? What do I lose in order to gain this option?

Thanks for your patience.

Bunny Snow

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January 20, 2005


Jon Close
  Footnote to CF-13: "The AF Stop button is provided only on super telephoto lenses."

The setting of CF-13 has no relevance or effect on your lenses, IS or not.

To get image stabilization to work, set the IS switch on the lens to "on." I believe the IS system will activate with the half-press of the shutter button.

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January 20, 2005


Jon Close
  P.S. forgot the rest of your question.

As an aside, to set the custom functions, turn the Mode Dial to "C.Fn". Turn the Main Control Dial (wheel next to the shutter button) until the function desired (C01 - C13) appears in the display. Press the "* C.Fn" thumb button (upper right on the back) until the desired setting value (0 - 5) appears.

What happens when you engage the image stabilizer is that the gyro/servos within the lens will move a group of elements in the lens to offset small camera movements. It allows you to shoot at slower shutter speeds without blurriness from "camera shake" than you can without it. It cannot, however, freeze subject movement. The only thing you lose with this option is a slightly greater drain on the battery. But generally not enough to worry about.

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January 20, 2005

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