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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Sanford Dickerson

Indoor sporting events

What is the best way to photograph indoor sports, ie, Basketball, Volleyball with flash where the backgrounds do not register very dark or black. I usually uses 400 iso, 5.6 at 1/200 sec. Is there a way to open up the backgrounds using this shutter speed?

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January 19, 2005


Jon Close
  The light from the flash can light the near subject, but not the background. To give more exposure to the background you'll need to use some combination of higher ISO, slower shutter speed, larger aperture.

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January 19, 2005


Sanford Dickerson
  Thank you for you inpot. However, how can a use a slower shutter speed when trying to freeze action withou a blur?

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January 19, 2005


Jon Close
  You can't. So instead you'll need to use higher ISO and/or faster lens.

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January 19, 2005


Sanford Dickerson
  Thank you very much.Your answer gives me a clear understanding of the process. I will use this information for my next Basketball game.

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January 20, 2005

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