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BetterPhoto Member

Camera Confusion - Canon or Nikon ?

I am busy saving for a SLR at the moment. I used to own a Pentax K1000 and have taken many great shots with it. I enjoy wildlife photography, mainly bird photography.

I have been looking at the EOS range ie: 50E and the new 30. They seem really well specked. Now I find out that the F80 was voted the peoples choice in PP magazine. I need impartial advice as to whether I go the Nikon or the Canon route. (ie: pretty tired of listening to salesman's stories)

I also noticed that the Nikon lenses are a lot cheaper than the Canon equivalent, why is that?

If I go the Nikon route, I will probably be able to afford the lenses I know I'll be needing for that kind of photogaphy (300-400mm). Whereas the Canon lenses are very expensive. Are they that much better?

I would really appreciate your advice as everyone else I speak to is either pro EOS or pro Nikon.

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November 29, 2000


Ken Pang
  This is my 2 cents worth:

I've heard from many pros that Nikkor makes better optical quality lenses, while Canon have the slight technology edge.

Their auto-focusing is faster and quieter. I'm not even sure if Nikon has an Image Stabilizer.

One thing to make sure that you do when comparing price is make sure you're getting the same thing:

1) Are the focal length ranges the same?

2) What drives the auto-focusing? Do you get Full Time auto-focusing?

3) Does either lens have low dispersion or chromatic correction elements?

4) Is the aperture setting the same? (this is very important, the difference between a 50mm f/1.8 and f/1.4 is about $700AUD, and f/1.0 is a few thousand)

Any other features? Image Stabilizers? Macro Focusing?

Any other accessories? Lens hood? Filters? Case?

Given the choice again, I would probably still go Canon, though I have been tempted by a friend's extensive range of Nikkor lenses. I think it really comes down to personal taste and nit picking...

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November 29, 2000

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