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Cheryl Kolus

Troubles with Canon lenses?

Just today I ordered a Canon Digital Rebel and was all set to also order the EF 75-300 4-5.6mm lens with image stabilizer. But the sales guy (from Abe's of Maine) said he recommended Sigma over Canon lenses and that "there have been problems with Canon lenses." I should have asked "what kind of problems" but I didn't. Long story short I ended up just getting the Sigma lenses he recommended (the 18-50mm instead of the Canon one that comes with the camera and a 55-200mm). But now I'm wondering - I think I would personally prefer the Canon ones. Does anyone know what "trouble" might occur with the Canon lenses? Any recommendations Canon vs. Sigma? Thank you so much for your help. I think I may cancel my order until I get more info.

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January 10, 2005


  I have not heard any problem regarding the lenses you mentioned above. In fact, I own a EF 75-300mm f4-5.6 IS USM. Although I have never use a Sigma lens before, it looks like the Canon EF-S lenses and the two Sigma lenses are very much alike in quaity and construction. As long as Abe didn't charge your Sigma lenses with the Canon price and you don't get an "Err 99" problem using the Sigma lenses on your Canon DRebel, I suggest you keep those lenses and fully utilize them. Will Abe charge you re-stocking fee? Do you have to pay the return postage and insurance? Once you get used to your camera and all the functions, and you know what is needed, then you can pick a better lens later. This is just my two cents. Hope this helps.

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January 11, 2005


Cheryl Kolus
  Thank you Andy. Turns out I was too late to cancel the order, so I will try out the Sigma lenses and go from there. I asked about the Err99 problem and he just said there shouldn't be any problems. He said I have 30 days to return them, but I don't know about costs involved. I simply did not ask enough questions!

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January 11, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Trying to move a surplus of sigma lenses I think.

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January 11, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  He was either trying to move a surplus or the seller is getting a greater markup with Sigma than with Canon. I have never used a Canon but that is strictly due to personal preference. Canon makes excellent camers and lenses and most reputable dealers won't try to swith on you. Next time, try B&H or Adorama.

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January 12, 2005


I was wondering - how did the Sigma lenses turn out? I am looking at making decision between those lenses you have mentioned above.


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April 18, 2005


Cheryl Kolus
  Hi Crys. I think the Sigma is fine. But, unfortunately, I've barely used the camera at all since I got it in late January. I've been wanting to read the manual and have just been too busy, so mostly I've just done some point and shoot picture taking and I haven't even uploaded any photos yet to my computer. So that probably doesn't help you much, but I can say I at least haven't noticed anything WRONG with the lens!

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April 19, 2005

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