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Photography Question 

Katrina L. Awbery

memory card ?

I just bought my cannon rebel digital in August. I am the only one who uses the camera. I started to put my memory card in the other day and it wont go in.
I have called the company they say I have to mail it to them ,my expense of course and they will determine if this is in warranty. I am plannning on taking it to the store I purchased it from tday. Any one have this problem with thier rebel?

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January 08, 2005


Ed Wenger
  Katrina: I usually get in trouble from my wife by asking the obvious, but as a troubleshooter you would be surprised how often the obvious is the answer. So I will take a chance. The memory card will only slide into the camera one way, the pin holes have to go in first and I think the front of the card (the side with the brand name) towards you looking at the back of the camera. If you already knew this, I apologize for bringing it up.

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January 10, 2005

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