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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Teri A. Moore

Photos in gymnasium

I have been taking traditional film pictures at my son's basketball games. I am running into a problem in some of the gyms that use the lighting that casts a yellowish glare through out the gym. Is there a filter or something that I can do to reduce the yellow in my pictures.

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January 04, 2005


Alexander Williams
  Yes, you can get a filter to correct for the lighting they are using. If there is a yellowish tint, try using a tungsten filter to correct, usually this is a bluish filter, and there are different grades available.

Also, you may ask your photo developer if they are making any corrections for this tint. Many of the newer machines have a tungsten setting that can effectively counter the lighting in most situations.

Hope that helps.

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January 04, 2005


Teri A. Moore
  Thank you very much for your response. I new that there was a filter to correct this, but I was unsure which type to use. My photo developer is usually great with corrections, but the last couple of times I was there a "new kid" was doing the processing and was not too knowledgable and offered very little assistance. There is a game tonight - I will try it!

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January 06, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  To correct for tungsten lighting, you need the 80A filter.

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January 06, 2005


Teri A. Moore
  Thanks Kerry!

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January 07, 2005

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