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Photography Question 

Janet Mayer

Auto Settings on Canon S70

Happy New Year to all on the site.

I recently bought the Canon S70 -all the reviews say it is a great camera. I need this camera for indoor and outdoor. The shots seem to be very grainy above 100 ISO. I tried to use the camera on auto-the camera chooses Very low shutter speeds-like 1/6. This inevitably results in blurry shots. Does the manufacturer make the camera choose low shutters in order to avoid high ISO's? Maybe the lens is not bright enough-
What is the best point and shoot for INDOOR photos? Thanks!

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December 29, 2004


Alison Beachem
  I just got this camera as well. I was sure that the camera was malfunctioning so I sent it back and requested another. But the second one shoots the same. I hate it. Whoever gave it a good review is crazy. This one will go back to but I really want to get a good point and shoot so I don't have to lug around my 10D for family outings. Anyone?

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January 16, 2005


Alex Cabrall
  Fujifilm just came out with the camera you want, but with two catches. One is that it's only sold in japan, the other is that it's not digital. It's called the Natura S. It's main selling point is the 24(nice wide angle)mm lens and the f/1.9 maximum aperture, which is awesome.
But that really doen't help, now does it?
Alison, My advice to you comes from Herbert Keppeler's first "immutable rule": ALWAYS bring your SLR. That 10D is an awesome camera, and is relatively compact. if size IS an issue, take off any vertical grips/motor drives/battery grips, and mount your shortest lens. Looking for a short, "if this thing gets banged to peices by the kids no worries, but I want the very best" lens, go for the 50mm f/1.8 II (Considering I don't work for Canon or own this particular lens, I talk about this one alot). It's about $75 online. On your 10D I THINK its close to an 85mm, which is GREAT because now you can take great portraits!
In case that's STILL not viable, and for Janet, if you want another point and shoot digital, look for one with a big maximum aperture. Yes, they will be more expensive. Yes, they will also be MUCH better, and take great indoor shoots. If you decide to get one of the Digital Canon's that takes a speedlite, buy a 420EX and USE THAT BOUNCE FLASH!!! You'll never go back, and it's so easy with digital. Just move the flash head so it's pointing at something white (like, oh, the ceiling or a wall), and shoot.
Hope something in there helped.

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January 16, 2005


Janet Mayer
  hey alison-one hint-definitely don't shoot on auto-it doesn't work. try shutter priority or manual, the only thing is it shoots dark and you need to bump up the ISO and then they get grainy...

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January 17, 2005


Alison Beachem
  Thanks for the responses:) I love my 10D and that may be my problem. I am expecting way too much from this camera. I was shooting with it on apeture priority and tried everything between 5.6-8.0. I also tried with and without flash. I just doesn't like to focus with the telephoto and the grain is unbearable. It's as if I was shooting in a dark room with minimal light with 1600 speed film. Can't stand that. I think this camera is good if you want the wide angle lense and you do nature shots. But I use the zoom with the family and the zoomed in pictures were horrible. So grainy. IMO, Why put a digital zoom on a camera if it doesn't work? The camera miss focuses zoomed out too.

I have a 50mm lens and I use that one a lot on my 10D. But there are times like ice skating or the park where I just want something a little handier. I really don't care if it is 'creative' either. I use my 10D for that sort of thing. My first digital was a 3.3 sony cybershot and I wonder if I should just go back to sony for my point and shoot digital. I was thinking of the DCS-V3... any advice?

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January 17, 2005


Alison Beachem
  I just thought I would post a recap... I returned the second S70 and got the DCS-V3 Sony. It is lightyears better. A little more expensive but I was so unhappy with the S70. Thanks for everyone's opinions.

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January 29, 2005

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