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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Andrea E. Martinez


Hello All...
I have a Digital Rebel. When I take pictures and see the exposures on the camera, they look good, but when I transfer them into my computer, no matter which software I use to view them, they look A LOT darker and under exposed. This has become a problem since I have to fix the exposure afterwards in my computer.
I tried to reset the camera settings to see if that makes any difference, but the problem still persists. I sent them to people because I thought it was my monitor and they also see them the same.
Any suggestions or ideas on what it could be?

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December 21, 2004


Jon Close
  Just a guess, but perhaps the LCD brightness level is set too high, making underexposed shots look ok in review. Even so, reviewing the image itself in the LCD is good to confirm composition and whether someone's eyes were closed, but the histogram is a much better tool for judging exposure.

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December 21, 2004


Kerry L. Walker
  The problem may not be in your camera. It may be your monitor. Very few people (myself included) have a correctly calibrated monitor (I shoot film, not digital). Have them printed at a photo lab and see what you get. If they are still dark, well I was wrong about your monitor.

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December 21, 2004


Andrea E. Martinez
  I have already calibrated the monitor, but I don't think that is the problem, since I viewed the pictures in other computers and still have the same problem. I don't know, but I will try to darken the LCD screen on the camera and see if that helps.

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December 21, 2004

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