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BetterPhoto Member

Problems with Nikon N55

Last Christmas, I bought my wife a Nikon N55. It's worked pretty well over that year, taking family photos. The past few rolls, however, were a little blurry (using autofocus). On Thanksgiving, AF gave up the ghost; the camera would go through it's focus range when the shutter was depressed, but never focus on anything. Tried changing lenses, batteries, etc..

I sent the camera to Nikon for service; it's less than a year old, and they are saying that the AF is NOT covered under warranty, and that it will cost us $120 (above and beyond the shipping and insurance that we already paid to send it to them) to get it fixed.

Any thoughts on how to handle this? My thought is, if they don't want to take care of something as core to the camera as the autofocus less than a year after purchase, I might as well call it a day and buy a Canon instead - I can get an EOS Rebel for $230.

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December 13, 2004


Alex Cabrall
  Did you send them your lenses too? If you still have all your nikon lenses, Stay with Nikon! no sense in buying into another lens system (even though I prefer canon over nikon, there IS something to be said for Nikkor lenses.)
My advice: If your wife is doing most of the shooting, invest in a Nikon N75 body, $180 before rebate on My Nikon buddies say that the N75 was made for female buyers, and fits their hands nicely, which is a wonderful little bit of marketing. If you do most of the shooting and can't stand the look/feel, get a N65 body, if you can find one anywhere. the only one I could find was grey market, about $170 at
-Good luck!

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December 20, 2004

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