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Photography Question 

Maria A. Fernandez

Upload Web Gallery

I had trouble uploading my photos for a lesson assigment to create a Website Gallery. I used Photoshop Elements version 2. I expected to find one file containing all my photos but that was not the case. After uploading each individual photo I noticed that the pictures were very small and I could not select an enlarge version to review it. Can you tell what I did wrong.
Thank you.

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November 29, 2004


Kerry Drager
  Hi Maria: Sorry you've had problems. It appears that you've been able to upload your pictures into the BetterPhoto system ... just that they're small. Hopefully the following will help!
Kerry Drager

Sizing Photos Before Uploading

When trying to correctly size your image for upload, the ppi (pixels per inch) is not as important as the overall pixel dimensions. As long as you measure the overall image dimensions in pixels (instead of inches), you can simply size your image to something close to 500 x 750 pixels.

In Photoshop's Image Size function, for example, you would change the units pull-down menu from inches to pixels. Then, with the Resample checkbox checked, change the shorter dimension (whether it be the width or the height) to 500 pixels.

If you cannot change the units of measurement from inches to pixels, use the following as guidelines:

  • With a ppi of 72 ppi, you would want your image to be about 7 inches on the short end.
  • With a ppi of 150 ppi, you would want your image to be about 3.5 inches on the short end.
  • With a ppi of 300 ppi, you would want your image to be about 1.7 inches on the short end.

For example, a typical 300 ppi image should be around 1.7" x 2.5" before uploading.

For an added touch of sharpness and clarity, it also often helps to slightly apply the Unsharp Mask filter.

Then save either as a TIFF or a high quality / low compression JPEG and upload to the site.

This will result in the best-quality uploaded images.

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November 30, 2004

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