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Photography Question 


Blurry Backgrounds

I recently bought a DigiRebel, and have been trying to get used to all the settings, etc. I find that when I'm outside taking pics, the person/subject of my pic will be in focus, but the background will be slightly blurred. I've mainly been using a 50mm 1.8 lens, the "P" setting with autofocus (aiming that little red dot at the person in the shot). What can I do (ie what settings can I use) to have the person/subject and backgroung (ie city buildings/trees) ALL in focus?? TIA! Susan

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November 29, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  aperture priority and choose a small aperture.

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November 29, 2004


  is "aperture Priority" a setting? Do I still use the auto-focus red dot? What would be an example of a small aperture?

(...can you tell I have no clue about this?)

thank you in advance!! :)

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November 30, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  It's another mode. P,Av,Tv,M-Program mode, Aperture priority, Shutter priority, Manual.
Apeture priority you pick the apeture and the camera picks the shutter speed.
Apeture is the f/stop, the bigger the number, the smaller the apeture hole in the lens that lets the light thru.
A small apeture makes the depth of field bigger.
Depth of field is the area in the photo where things in the foreground and background look in focus along with the thing you took a picture of.
Bigger number, smaller apeture, more of area behind the subject looks in focus and more of area in front of subject looks in focus.

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November 30, 2004

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