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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How do I remove a logo/text from a family photo?

I am needing some help with a family photo. We had 7 individuals in the photo and everyone was dressed appropriately but one person....who had on a logo'd sweatshirt. I am wanting to remove the very large logo, it takes up the entire front of the shirt. I have tried the healing brush, but find that it removes the indication of the natural lay of the fabric. ie. When a person sits, there are natural bends that occur and the lighting is different there. Using the tool removes that and it looks unnatural. Is there a way to do this in keeping with the lay of the fabric? Thanks so much. (I do not have the photo with me today, but I can send it if necessary.)

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November 22, 2004

- Eric Highfield

BetterPhoto Member
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  Hi Barbara,

I have some ideas, but it is difficult to make recommendations without seeing the image. If you can upload a scan of the photo when you get it back so I can see what you are confronted with, then I may be able to provide you some suggestions.

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November 22, 2004

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