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Photography Question 

Nancy Taylor

How to Re-Size a Picture for Web Use?

How to Re-Size a Picture for Web Use?
I am having a trouble taking a good picture and resizing it to a 400x300 or 200x100 image for a Web page. It looks fine on my monitor but when I upload it to my image hosing site it appears very blurry. The proportions are fine..just the image quality. These images have been cropped and resized. The final file size averages about 28k Thank you.

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November 20, 2004


Vince Broesch
  I'm just wondering if there is some automatic jpg compression going on during your upload to whatever server. So your image had jpg compression applied by you and then again by some automatic software during upload. You might want to check on that. Is the file size before you upload the same as it is if you download the image? If the file size has changed, you know the server has compressed it again.

Just a guess...


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November 20, 2004


Nancy Taylor
  FYI..Thanks for your response. I turned off my "compress graphics" setting in my AOL WWW Preferences, refreshed my screen and all was well. Thanks for the lead!

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November 22, 2004

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