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Photography Question 


how to take photograps of birds flying

how do I take pictures of birds flying and in low light conditions?when I use a 1.5x teleconverter on my 75-300mm tamron there is no much quality in the picture.what is the solution for that?

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November 16, 2004


Damian P. Gadal
  Low light and motion don't mix... Not for what you're after. You need a well lit subject and a fast shutter speed...


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November 17, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  I agree with Damian.
What film speed (ASA setting) are you using to attempt this?
A shutter speed of 1/250 sec. is needed to freeze the wing flaps of large soaring birds, and 1/500 or faster for smaller species.
These speeds are possible shooting wide open in bright sun with 100 ASA, but for low light a much faster ISO setting or a fast film is the only way to achieve the required shutter speeds.
(You can also try panning with the flight of the birds. You can get away with using slower shutter speeds doing this.)

Also, a tripod is essential when used with a teleconverter to avoid fuzziness due to camera shake.

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November 18, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  Low light and motion can go good together.

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November 18, 2004

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