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Photography Question 

Michelle Ross

Sigma Lens problems?

I have a Sigma 28-80 Auto Focus/Manual focus lense with Macro capabilities. A month or so ago the lens malfunctioned and I sent it in for repair. They fixed that problem but then when I got it back it would not autofocus. The lens will just sit there and hunt for the subject even when I'm right on it. Since it won't auto focus it will not even let me press the shutter . . . I have sent it back to Sigma two times and now they are telling me that they think it is my camera. I have tried this lens on my son's brand new compatible camera and also took it to a camera store yesterday and the owner tried the lens herself to see what it was doing and verified with me that the lens is not autofocusing. Sigma is not wanting to work any further with this lens and basically said they can't do any more evalutaing unless I send my camera in with the lens. I am very reluctant to do this because my camera works properly with my other 3 lenses that I have and even though I'm not a technician I just don't feel the problem lies within my camera? Has anyone else ever faced situations like this with Sigma? The lens came with a 4 year warranty that they are trying to tell me doesn't exist despite the fact I have sent them my card that came with the lens??? I still have over a year left to go on the warranty? Should I just give up and replace the lens and be done with it??? I've already spent $25 just in shipping the lens to them so far and a new lens is in the $100 price range?? If anyone can offer any advice or technical suggestions, PLEASE DO SO!!! Thanks!

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November 16, 2004

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