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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Coverting Scanned images

I am converting scanned images from Jpg to tiff and lose quality, the settings were at High/medium and the files were small, why do I lose quality? Would using Photo shop be an alternative?

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November 10, 2004


David King
  Hi Kevin,

JPEG is fine for transmitting files because at its best setting it still uses about a 4:1 compression. Everytime the JPEG file is saved it recompresses losing even more. Use it as the very last step if you are transmitting the image to make them smaller but do not use them early in the process.

See if your scanner can save directly as TIFFs. They will be bigger but will let you edit and save without loss. If the scanner (or your camera0 ONLY ouputs in JPEG then COPY the images to disk, open them and immediately save them as TIFFs before you ever save them again.


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November 12, 2004

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