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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

transfering film photo's to CD

My son got married this summer and we were disappointed with how some of the photo's turned out, the photographer did not take enough of just the bride and groom to give them enough to pick from for their wedding photo. I was wishing we had digital photo's so I could crop & cut out, fix up these photo's, we have the negatives, can these be transferred to a CD and fixed up like a digital or will the quality be less. I have the software on my computer to do a lot with the pictures if this will work, I tryed scanning, but the quality of the photo was not so good. Any tips you can give me will be appreciated.

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November 09, 2004


Vince Broesch
  You are in good shape, since you have the negitives. You just need to have high resolution scans of the negs, and have them written to CD. You will want to find a photo lab that can give you high-res scans. Most any lab should be able to do this if the negs are 35mm. If the negs are 2 1/4, or if you want the best scans, go to a pro photo lab.


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November 09, 2004


Vince Broesch
  I should have also said, to have the image scans saved in TIFF format. If the lab can't do that, and they want to save them as JPEG, You might want to look for another lab.


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November 09, 2004

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