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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

800 film

I want to photograph a child doing gymnastics inside with a 35mm Minolta XGM using Fuji 800 film and zoom 75-200. No flash allowed. Have tripod. Inside lighting may be adequate - not sure. Don't know how to set up camera for best chance of good pictures. Any help would be much appreciated.

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October 28, 2000


Ken Pang
  I don't know how bright your auditorium will be, but make sure that you can get about 1/125th of a second if you want to stop the child in his or her tracks, otherwise movement will be significantly blurred.

Get there early, and make sure that any coaches, refs, other competitors, etc, will not obscure your view of the child performing. Nothing worse than that once in a life time move, and half the person is obscured by a referee's elbow.

Technically, there is not a lot you can do about the lighting, except to move in close as you can, and use the "70mm" end of your lens. Tends to be that that end has wider apertures.

Oh, one last thing. When he or she is standing in the light that you want to photograph them in, take a spot meter reading off the child's face, and stick with that reading. Spotlights and strobes can really fool an evaluative or centre weighted meter.

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October 29, 2000

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