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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member


I have two Minolta cameras: 450 and 650. The dealer sold me Promaster Lenses telling me these are made by Tamron and they are as good or better than Tamron. He said they have a lifetime warranty. My question is for a 28-200mm lens, which brand is the best? Thank you.

Carlton Hansen

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October 26, 2000


BetterPhoto Member
  There have been many manufacturers joining the bandwagon with regards to making 28-200mm lenses. I believe Tamron came out with it first. Now, even camera manufacturers like Canon have come out with a similar zoom lens.

Though Tamron has won many awards with their version of the 28-200mm superzoom, many photo magazine tests have rated the Sigma version higher. Based on some MTF graphs, Sigma's product allows you to enlarge your photograph until about 8X10 before you see a degradation in the resolution whereas Tamron apparently does not survive that big.

I bought a Sigma because of this report. Had wanted to buy the Tamron instead.

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October 31, 2000

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