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Photography Question 

Lesley A. Prentice

Photography School

I am considering taking an at home photography course, it's like $900 and you can finish the course in 6 weeks. After you complete the course you get a certificate of Photography. Has any one used this type of instruction, and can you learn enough from audio/video and texts to be a skilled photographer?? I would appreciate any input on this matter! Thanks

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October 24, 2000


Esther Mishkowitz
  I took the nyi home course and it was excellent. The certificate is just a paper that says you completed a course in photography - says nothing about your capabilities and skills... you need to read also. I am sure your course requires you to do so. You will definitely be a skilled photographer... I was able to take professional portraits after I was done - and can take a good landscape picture too! You can e-mail me directly for more info if you like. Good luck

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October 25, 2000

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