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Photography Question 

Lisa Lenderink

Autofocus indicates ok..but I know it's not

I use a canon elan 7 w/ a EF28-105mm f/4-5.6 lens. I shoot mainly small children so I use autofocus almost exclusively as the children are moving targets and I like to capture their expressions quickly. My problem lately is that the camera indicates (green light) that the shot is in focus when I can obviously tell that it isn't. Would that indicate that there is a problem with the camera? It's only a year old and has already required service once already. Of course the warranty ran out last month. It doesn't happen all of the time but enough to be annoying. Any ideas?

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October 09, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  going by what you see or how the picture comes out?
could be locking focus and the kid is moving afterwards.

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October 09, 2004


Jon Close
  What Gregory said.
Plus, the default setting is AI Focus, which is a combination of One-Shot and AI Servo, and IMHO isn't as good as selecting the either of the other two. For constantly moving children I thing AI Servo (constant AF) would be the better choice.

Secondly, another AF default is for automatic focus sensor selection. The camera may be selecting a point of focus different than where you intend to focus. You might try manually selecting the active focus sensor.

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October 09, 2004


Lisa Lenderink
  Gregory, what I see...and what I get. At first I thought it might be because of the soft filter I was lately I've not used the filter at all. And still get a handful of those semi-blurry shots.
Jon, not sure what you mean by manually selecting the active focus sensor, I will get out my manual and check! Thanks much for both of your comments!

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October 09, 2004

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