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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Donna W. Neal

Two Suns - What Happened

I posted this question earlier but don't think I put it in the correct place so will do it again. Sorry, if it is duplicated some place else.

I took this picture and when I looked at it there were two suns. What made this happen and how can I avoid it happening again? Taken with Digital camera.

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October 07, 2004


David King
  It looks like a type of lens flare. You mentioned it was shot with a digital rebel but did not say what lens was used. Digital lenses incorporate additional coating that minimizes internal reflections. The surface of the imaging chip is nearly mirror-like and can reflect bright 'point' sources of light back into the lens element surfaces and then back onto the imager. Film lenses do not need to deal with this because the anti-halation dye on the emulsion absorbs them and so are not prepared for it.

Without more data no one can say for sure but your example is exactly like that internal reflection problem.


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October 24, 2004

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