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Advice on how i could get a clear background

  Smith & O'Shea
Smith & O'Shea


How do I get a clear background? I took this picture at a football match at night, the pitch was well lit by flood lights.

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October 03, 2004


  Exactly what do u mean by a clear background? After clicking on the photo u posted, it seemed very grainy and it's the spectators who are not in the background. Is that what u mean? The foreground looks like
overexposure to me. Did u shoot with a zoom point and shoot? I think u used a very high speed film. Did u? Please confirm so that we can discuss this further.

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October 03, 2004


  i'd like to be able to see the spectators. Also the players are slightly darker on the original picture. I'm afraid i'm not too clued up on the type of film I used but I was wondering if u had to have a more professional camera to be able to capture the crowd in the background. Also I had the "highest" possible zoom on the camera, could this have made any difference? thanks for any help

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October 03, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  trying to use a flash will only get you an exposure for the small 10ft. or so range of the flash. Anything beyond that is going to be dark.
You'll have to expose with just the stadium lights, or drop down the shutter speed when using flash so that the stadium lights will fill in the background.
But on top of that your picture is severly underexposed so you have to fix that too.

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October 03, 2004


  How do I sort the underexposure out exactly?

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October 04, 2004

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