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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

High zoom hot shoe flash

I have a 100-500mm zoom lens but my current Speedlite flash only covers to 130mm so when I zoom in on something my flash becomes useless. Where can I get a flash with enough zoom to at least come close to working with my lens?

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September 29, 2004


Jon Close
  The flash does not become useless. It provides just as much light to the same distances with a 500mm lens as it does with 100mm lens.

Still, there are accessories, such as the "Better Beamer" that further focus the speedlight's flash to extend it to greater distances.

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September 29, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  Better to change the aperture when you're at the higher focal lengths, or use manual.
Zooms on a flash never seemed to do much. Just look for higher guide numbers if you need stronger lights.

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September 29, 2004

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