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Photography Question 

Anthony W. Hathaway

How to Get Deluxe Site on Google, Etc.

Is there some discussion about getting one's Deluxe Web Site on Google and other servers? I did apply several weeks ago to google, but as far as I can tell I'm not there or anywhere else. I'm getting only about 5 hits a weekn on the site. Thanks very much.

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September 24, 2004


Kerry Drager
  Hi Anthony: Good question, and it just so happens that BetterPhoto's very own Jim Miotke has written quite a bit about the subject! For instance:

Search Engine Optimization
By Jim Miotke, founder,

The fact of the matter is that, since there are over 40 million Web sites out there - with everyone wanting there site to be found on the first page returned by the search engines - this is a very competitive and difficult thing to do. It is an art and it doesn't happen overnight. It has taken me over seven years to build BetterPhoto up to its current ratings. And I always feel like I do not have enough time to really do a proper job of it.

So be patient with yourself and give yourself some time - it can take about 4 to 6 weeks to get indexed on the major search engines even when you are actively promoting your site with them.

This search engine optimization can be a fun game - it is exciting when you get better placement on the search engines. But it can be frustrating too. I enjoy it but, like I said, I never seem to have enough time to do it right. If you want to learn more about how it all works, go to:

At Search Engine Watch, there are many great articles on the subject. Some are for paying subscribers only, but many are free to everyone. Specifically, here is a good intro on keywords:

I also highly recommend signing up for the free monthly newsletter at the following site. Each issue seems to have at least one great article about search engine optimization. The software they sell is also very effective - I use it all the time:

And here is another excellent resource - this site keeps track of the most popular search phrases and indexes them according to how much competition there is. The idea is to find keyword phrases that are not on very many Web sites but searched for often. You can do a free trial run with them to try to get better suggestions for keywords:

Once you have determined the best keywords, you can do some things in the Deluxe Update Center like add the best, most searched-after text. You can add good keywords to your site when you write your Welcome Blurb and Gallery Blurb. You can go even further by adding articles and/or a Wildcard page to your site. Having good keyword phrases in these text elements can help very much.

And then, don't forget to submit your site to the various search engines for indexing. Alternatively, you can buy paid listings with the search engine to get your site indexed faster, or use outsource services like "Submit It" to help.

One last thing you can do is to tell as many people as possible your domain name. Tell them to directly type this domain name into the location field of their browser. Explain to them that it can take some time for the search engines to properly index your site. Furthermore, you can use the "Tell a Friend/Recommend the Site" function to get the word out to as many people as you can. And don't forget to print your domain name on your business cards and promotional materials. These are some of the most effective ways to get traffic to your Web site.

Anthony, I hope this helps!
Kerry Drager

P.S. I have my own Deluxe Site, and in addition to the techniques and resources outlined by Jim above, I also take advantage of the following site (which includes a free - and frequent - newsletter):

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September 25, 2004


Cheryl Mauldin
  In addition to submitting your web address to all the optimization engines and other such services, try Google AdWords. You pay by the click, but depending upon how much you are willing to spend you can get placement on the first page. Effective ad writing and key words are the key. This has been successful for me in driving wedding traffic to my site.

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August 27, 2007

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