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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Kathy Gossage

new lens

I have a 80-200 lens for my Canon EOS and want to take pic. inside with backgrounds of family.What are the settings(aptature etc.) I will need to use for good pic?

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September 15, 2004


  Hi, Kathy, do u mean inside as in indoor? And what would ur light source be - on-camera flash, studio lights with softbox or just ambient? Anyway 80-200 seem to tight to compose family photos of more than 2 members - not to mention adding background details, 35 -50 lens would be a better choice. The thing is if you use ambient light indoors, make sure u use a tripod because of the weak intensity of the light or use a high speed film but at the expense of grainier prints or use slow speed speed film, a tripod and drag the shutter down to at least 1 second to show background, keep them still though. Aperture and shutter depends on your film and ur light source. Hope this will be of help.

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September 27, 2004


Kathy Gossage
  Thank you so much for your help.I am so new at this.I inherited some professional lighting but dont have aclue on how to use it.

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September 27, 2004

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