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Category: Tips for Taking Wedding Photos

Photography Question 

Terry Lennox

Checklist for First Wedding?

Hi. I'm shooting my first wedding this Saturday, and I'm a bit nervous! I wonder if anyone would have a checklist for photographs that need to be taken or things that need to be done on the day. Any help, hints, or tips would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you.

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September 15, 2004


Cindy K. Bracken
Here's what I can think of:
Bride's dressing room before ceremony (candids), groom's getting ready (candids), coming down aisle, kissing, coming back down aisle, then posed shots of entire wedding party, just bride and groom together, bride only, bride with bridesmaids, grooms with groomsmen, bride and groom with her family, bride and groom with his family, bride and groom with pastor, bride and groom with grandparents, bride and groom with parents. Lots of candids at reception, dancing, cake, throwing bouquet and garter, small details like close up of centerpieces, flowers, etc.
Hope this helps a little! Good luck!
Cindy Bracken

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September 16, 2004


Connie Niehaus
  Two things that are important for me:
1. I list out my anticipated shots. I also make sure that, for example, before the ceremony I have a new roll in the camera - I don't want to be caught changing film during the procession.
2. If you don't have an assistant, get one. My daughter started helping me out - she often saw things I didn't, like a flipped-up dress edge in a posed shot, or an out-of-the-way great candid. I also gave her my second camera, and she got some nice shots, candids as well as a different angle of the ceremony.
I LOVE to shooting weddings! In spite of the stress, I think people are at their best, and it's sort of an honor to be included in that day. Have a great time!

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September 17, 2004


Kim Acheson
  Tears, dont forget to shoot tears. I would also add ring bearor(sp)and flower girl to the list but thats just me.

Dont forget a shot of the the rings. But it sounds like most everything is covered.

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September 20, 2004


Terry Lennox
  Hi - Thanks everybody for the great advice, the wedding went well on Saturday with only a few minor hitch's - the bride changed her mind on the morning of the wedding about pictures being taken while she was getting ready and straight after the ceremony the weather changed and she didnt want to get photographs taken at landscaped gardens as arranged so I had to make up all the shots from the ceremony and the reception afterwards - nerve racking lol but very enjoyable- especially when I got home , checked the proofs and they had turned out well !! Thanks Again! Terry

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September 21, 2004


Mary Lyn Wilson
One of the things that I have found is to start early enough that you can get the shots of everything that you need except those of the bride and groom together before the wedding. Better yet try to talk the B&G into seeing each other before hand and get all the photos out of the way. Then they can enjoy their day and not keep their guests waiting. It means starting a little earlier but it is well worth it. Also have a conference with the bride and groom two weeks before the wedding so that you can time out the day, find out who the important people are on both sides and who you do not want to miss. We have found if you devise a form with all this information on it, have the bride fill it out and bring it to the conference that helps. Also go to the reherseal to find out key players, to assure the paster that you are a professional, lets the key players know who you are so you can have a jump start on a relationship for the next day. Glad your first wedding went well, given you a lot of info hope it helps. ML

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September 21, 2004

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