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Photography Question 

Jennifer Harden

shooting a band in a club

I have tried twice to shoot pictures of a band in a club. The club is very dark as only stage lights are turned on. I can only get about 10-15 feet of the stage so my on-camera flash isn't much help and since I'm in a club, I can't bring any lights with me. The first time I tried to shoot I was using 800 speed film in my Canon Elan 7E with my Sigma 20 - 80mm lens. I could only go to F4.5 so I couldn't get my shutter speeds any faster that 1/6th of a second. So, all my pictures came our blurry and with trails. The next time, I tried 1600 speed film and used my tripod but the results were much the same. I don't have a faster lens and can't bring any external lights. Is there anything else I could have done with the equipment I have? Naturally the band is moving around on stage (I was trying to get pics of the performance) and that is why they came out blurred. HELP!

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September 07, 2004


Jon Close
  Have you tried setting your Elan 7E to Partial Metering instead of Evaluative? Stage performers are often brightly lit by the spotlights, but evaluative/matrix/centerweighted meters also read the large amounts of darkness around them and tend to choose slower than necessary shutter speeds.

See also

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September 07, 2004


Jennifer Harden
  Never thought of that. The performers weren't over-exposed so I'm not sure if this would have corrected my problem but I'll definitely give it a try. I am at my "wit's end" so I'll try anything at this point - THANKS!

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September 07, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  night club lights still aren't bright usually, so you may have to get a flash. But spot meter off the face of somebody, like Jon Close said, and see what that gives you.
Since it's a night club, even if you had a 2.8 lens, you may not get over 1/60 with 800 or 1600. Night club lights aren't like stage performance lights.

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September 07, 2004


Jennifer Harden
  Thanks again for your help. I'll definitely try to metering. Thanks!!

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September 08, 2004

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