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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Beverly A. Burke

Epson 2200 Printer

I have been printing successfully with the Epson 2200 printer. I am quite satisfied with the results, after having calibrated my monitor. However, I am finding it impossible to center the image on the page so that the bottom isn't cut off. I've tried clicking on the "center" button and setting the top margin, but that doesn't seem to work. Does anyone know how to do this?

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August 24, 2004


Amanda Botterweck
  Beverly, I just purchased an EPSON 2200 printer and ran into this my first time printing. This printer only allows borderless prints with Epson Prem. Glossy, Prem.Semi Gloss and Prem. Luster paper. To get the fullest use of the paper you need to go to the basic setting and select the "centered" and "minimize margins" setting.

It did work for my work, however be aware that the quality of the picture at the bottom may not be as clear as original due to the stretching of it.

I hope this helps.

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November 01, 2004

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