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Photography Question 

Dana Sphar

Changing Lenses with film in camera

Can I change lenses with film in my 35mm camera or will it ruin the remaining film?

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August 05, 2004


  Yes. The film will not be exposed to light until you press the shutter. When you press the shutter, the mirror in the camera flips up and the shutter opens.

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August 05, 2004


Dana Sphar
  Thank you, Andy. The reason I asked is because I recently went on a trip & took 4 rolls of film. On 3 of the rolls only about half of the pics were developed. I am trying to figure out why this happened.

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August 05, 2004



Can you give us more information about what happen? Maybe we can help you. Is it that, say, 12 pictures on a roll come out good and the other 12 were not exposed (or totally exposed to light) in a 24 film roll? Or do you mean on a single photo, half of the frame is exposed and the other half is not? What kind of camera you are using?

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August 05, 2004

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