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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Alan Jay

Getting an Error on a pentax IQZoom928

My parents were in China with the camera when it malfucntioned. If you try to take a picture it appears to take the pic (i see the flash, hear a motor move but then get a flashing H1 or H2. the only way to clear ti is to pul the battery.
Is this a user fixabel situation.. or get a new camera situation?

Thanks, Alan

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July 28, 2004


  Did you ever get an answer to this question - I have the same problem. Somewhere on the net I read that it might have to do with a lens malfunction (and as a matter of fact my will not close). Could be more expensive to fix than to buy a new one????

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August 18, 2004


Alan Jay
  No no one answered me.

I guess it is a lost cause on a not very expensive camera.

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August 19, 2004

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