BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Tina R. Hill

Prize Idea

Okay, First off.. I love this site... I am pretty much addicted... In fact I would really like to start taking some of the classes... however, The prices are a little out of my range... now I think they are not that high .. it is just I am that broke... I was thinking MAYBE..from time to time a Grand prize could be a FREE CLASS. or maybe even the other prizes could be someting like a discount (NOT FREE) towards classes. I know that the instructors so not want to give free classes.. I don't blame them... however, Maybe more people could take the classes if they had a little help. The Discount or Free class could have an attached requirement to either take a certain class (one that is hard to fill) or the most currently scheduled classes that will be offered next. I think that only one if any FREE classes, should be given to only the solo grand prizer! I know I would jump to take a class at perhaps 1/2 price. I believe that the classes are somewhat comparible to the prizes as far as money goes. This would give repeat contest goers to have more insentive instead of winning repeats. At this point if one person won once at all three levels they would already have all the prizes... Even a poster sized print of their picture each time would be better than 6 camera bags??
Or... we can leave it as it is due to the fact that I am still simply trying to make it to the finals!! Either way just a thought.
I love Better Photo!

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July 17, 2004


Diane Dupuis
  Hey Tina - interesting ideas you put forth! I haven't won anything yet, but I like the idea of discount on a class - which I simply cannot afford! And something other than a camera bag for a repeat winner sounds like a good idea too! BP is a wonderful place and they are always open to suggestions, so who knows!! good luck!

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July 17, 2004

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