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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Kelly M. O'Connor

Question....or suggestion....

This is "kind of" a question, and "kind of" a suggestion. Im new to the site, and I know that it says a picture should be resized to certain dimensions for uploading. Unfortunately, me being the amatuer that I am, I dont really know how to effectively do this without ruining my pictures. I know it may be hard for someone to explain to me how to do it. It would be nice if there was a way for this site to adjust the upload tool to automatically resize your pictures for you as they upload. Or if there was a tool that we could access from this site that would help with resizing, then we could save to our computer and upload as we normally would.

I am also wondering - Ive been submitting my photos as whatever size they are, and it has been working, so I just assumed that they fell within the size guidlines or I figure the uploads would've failed. Can you tell me if this is correct?? And if its not, would my pictures be disqualified from the contest for not being the correct size?

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July 07, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  Using "save as" instead of "save" will save resized pictures without replacing the original. If that's what you meant.
If you have anything like photoshop that allows you to change the size, display the image size, change it to the correct dimension, then "save as"

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July 07, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  To answer part two of your question... are correct. The upload would not go through if the file size was excessively large, and it would display an error message to re-size the photo and re-submit.
As far as I know, any size photo that will upload successfully and is placed into a category, qualifies as a contest entry.

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July 07, 2004

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