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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Macro Question

Unfortunately, I do not have access to my instruction manual, so I can use all the help I can get! I have a Quantaray 70-300mm zoom lens. In order to use the Macro setting, do I need to zoom all the way in and set the lens on manual focus? I remember reading somewhere that if I flip the Macro switch when the lens is in the wrong setting, it will mess up the lens, and I certainly don't want to do that! Thanks for your help!

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July 06, 2004


  I don't think you lens will get messed up whatsoever by switching to Macro, no matter in what setting it is at. In order to get the maximum magnification (at half life-size), you have to zoom in all the way to 300mm. For macro, it is always recommended to focus manually. Hope this helps.

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July 07, 2004

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