BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Tips for Taking Wedding Photos

Photography Question 

Jackie Kuhl

How to Shoot a Wedding?

I am going to shoot a wedding this weekend, and I am really nervous. I have never done this before and now it is too late to back out. Luckily, the wedding will only be 40 people. It will take place in a church with a mini dinner later at a restaurant, so it will not have a normal reception. Basically, it will just be the ceremony. I cannot use a flash during the reception, but I can any other time. Does anyone have any suggestions for what I should do? I do not want to mess this up. Also, I will be using my Nikon SLR 75 camera with two different lenses. Thanks.

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July 06, 2004


  This may help:

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July 07, 2004


Angela K. Wittmer
  Yes, that Web site will help you tremendously! Also take as many pics before the wedding as things get very rushed afterwards! What are you going to use for film? It also will help to have the couple write down what pics they are interested in having shot, and you can keep a checklist so that nothing is missed. Most of all... relax, breathe, and try to have some fun ... you will do fine!

Angie :)

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July 07, 2004


Lori Lyman
  Also, you could go to the church a few days before and check out the light. Maybe take a few test shots. If there's not much light, you'll have to use fast film. Find where you need to stand to get them coming "down the aisle". Don't know if you want them to stop in the aisle to take a pic or not, but if you do, let them know ahead of time. Find a marker like, say, 3rd pew (or whatever), find your spot, set your camera, and you'll be ready when the time comes. Good luck!

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July 08, 2004


Kathy Harris
  I may have missed giving you an answer before the big event occured - please go to my website for ideas on wedding pics - -

If you find you like shooting weddings - congrats ! I think I have the best job in the world -

My suggestions would be -

Spend some time with just the Bride and Groom taking pics of the couple - after you have taken the formals of family and bridal party - which should be immediately after the ceremony -

Scene setting photos are good to include too.

Many times the actual ceremony photos can be difficult - in regards to your position and point of view and the lighting - so you can recreate -

Relax, Have fun and good luck.

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July 13, 2004


John P. Sandstedt
  The best way for an amateur to take pictures at a wedding is to let a Pro do the job. That way, the amateur can let him/her fight "the crowds" - albeit, you've described a wedding of about 40 people.

But, if you're committed, remember several things. Traditional photo packages require many, many pictures of the brides. It's her DAY! The Groom is important, but really wall paper. The Bride's parents are next in importance, especially her mother.

If you can shoot during the ceremony - great. Use flash if you're able, ISO-800 of faster film if you're not. There may be some graininess, but you'll get the shots. Use ISO-100 or -200 [with flash] for shooting the reception.

As someone else said, scout the church in advance. You may find a great place from which to shoot that will enable you to get the faces of the bride and groom. Avoid shooting from the congregation; you'll generally get backsides!

be sure to try to get a formal setting for each table. In recent weddings I attended [or hosted as father of the groom,] there have been single use cameras on each table. If used correctly, this will afford the wedding couple many images not available from the "official" photographer. But, you should politely ask folks at each table to move arround to enable a well balanced photo. Bes sure to clear as much of the clutter on the table as possible.

Be sure to get the cutting of the wedding cake, the "tossing of the bride on her 'throne,' " the first dance, bride and Dad's dance, Groom and Mom's dance, etc.

If you're an invitee, you'll be at a disadvantage unless you give up the opportunity to join in the merriment [drinking, eating, etc.] For sure, you'll miss one or more of the great shots if you do. Of course, your escort will be happier if your close by.

Take lots of film. Bring extra batteries [for flash AND camera.] Most Pros [shooting 35 mm] agree to shoot up to four rolls of film. I've shot none 36-exposure rolls at one wedding I did as the "Official" photographer; I shot three 36-exposure rolls when there was a Pro on site [and mine are the only pictures the wedding couple or their parents ever show to friends.]

Try for good composition in all your shots but, remember, capturing that unbelievable moment is more important that "on the money composition." Remember, there's always cropping - by a decent commercial processor or Photoshop!

Shooting a wedding is hard work; that's why Pros charge so much. But, since you have an auto-focus camera, set it to the "continuous focus mode" and Program Mode. You'll not have to worry about focus or exposure while you adjust composition, zoom, etc.

You'll be fine. Have a ball.

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July 13, 2004


  So, how'd it go Jackie?

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July 13, 2004

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