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Photography Question 

Diane Dupuis

Technical explanation needed please

Hi! This isn't really a problem - I love how the picture came out. I just don't know why this one time it came out so great, and the last 99 times it didn't.
I'm using my digital Fujifilm Finepix S5000, auto settings (I'm pretty sure that's what it was on), macro, I tried it with flash, no flash and with flast at -0.6. I can't tell which is which...

I was standing in my friend's garden, around 7:00 p.m., lowish natural light, but flash wasn't really needed (see other examples below).
This one flower was taller than the rest, but below it and behind it is more greenery, garden, ground, etc.
Can anyone explain why one of them has that perfect black background and the others don't. I unfortunately don't know which setting I used for the flash at the time (regular or the -0.6). But I would love to repeat the effect. Just not sure how (I'm a total beginner at manual settings, shutter speed, aperture, etc.)
Would apprecaite any advice you may have!
Thanks so much!

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July 02, 2004


Diane Dupuis
  This one is the effect I love
This one is the effect I love
totally black background. Flash was on for sure, just not sure what it was set at.

Diane Dupuis

OK - had a problem uploading the pix... Let's try again...

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July 02, 2004

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