BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: How to Use Camera Lenses and Focus

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Digital Apertures

Is there a difference in aperture stops between digital and regular cameras? My Fuji S7000 can go only to f8, and I realized that quite a few good digital cameras have that limit. However, every film SLR (even the cheapest) can go to f22 and higher (on 35mm). Is f8 enough for real sharp photos and good depth of field?

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July 01, 2004


Jon Close
  Depth of field is related to focal length as well as aperture. The shorter the focal length (all else being equal) the greater the depth of field. Digital cameras like the Fuji S7000 have very small digital sensors - and, hence, very short focal length lenses. While the zoom lens of the S7000 gives the same view as a 35-210mm on a 35mm film camera, the actual focal length of this lens is just 7.8-46.8mm. The depth of field at f/2.8 is equivalent to f/12.6 in a 35mm film camera at the equivalent focal length; at f/8 it is equivalent to a 35mm film camera set for f/36. The problem with these digitals is not getting enough depth of field; the problem is that it becomes nearly impossible to get selective focus with a blurred background.

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July 02, 2004


Pete H
  The short Non-Technical answer? No; f/8 will not give much depth of field.
If you desire the subject and 20 feet behind or ahead of the subject to be in focus; f/8 will not cut it.


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September 10, 2005

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