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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

why my pictures with flash are dull

I have a Cosina SLR and a National
PE2000M flash
I have a dull image always while using the flash .I am using
the chart printed on the back of the
flash to set apertures and speed .
Is that right.
What may be the problem.
I am using with a UV filter and give no
corrections for that .Should I give
any correction Pl. help
what will be the range for that flash

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June 29, 2004


  hello sridharan,
I'm Ishak
What do u mean when u said dull flash pictures? Is ur cosina TTL capable? And I guessed u r using Aperture priority automatic. It doesn't matter if your flash is not TTL capable. Set the aperture that gives u sync speed or lower , then focus on the subject and check the distance scale on the focusing ring and determine the distance on your flash and set the fstop on ur lens, if it's not identical then set 1 stop down but not 1stop up from what u originally set or ur photo will come out dark. On camera flash tends to make pictures dull because it's too flat. Try experimenting with multiple flash. Good luck.

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September 28, 2004

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