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Category: Tips on Beginner Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Real Estate Photography

I have recently started taking pictures of houses for a realtor, and I am looking to expand to other realtors and grow a nice side-business. Here's my problem: I have no idea what to charge. Do I charge them a flat fee that covers my time and expenses, or should I do it by the hour and have them pay for processing? Any suggestions? Also, do I have them sign a contract? What should be on it? Thanks for your time!

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May 27, 2004


John Wright
  There are a lot of variables that should be considered. Do you shoot the outside, inside, or both? Do you have to deal with the owners of the house? How many shots do you provide? What is your cost for travel, time, film, equipment, etc., etc.

Is the realtor a good realtor with lots of business? What type of houses are they? What kind of neighborhoods? Is the realtor successful?

All of these questions (and more) play into how much you should charge (at least IMHO). A lot to think about ...

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May 27, 2004

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