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Category: Tips on Beginner Photography

Photography Question 

K Daly

Developing a Personal Style

I have interned for a newspaper as a staff photographer since August and have improved a lot. I wonder, though, about style. It seems that shooting good photos is not enough and is also fairly common, but style is where the edge lies and what sets photographers apart. I imagine a certain amount of style is inherent in each photographer's work, but how does one identify it and/or develop it?
Thanks, K

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February 27, 2005


Tony Sweet
  You will be the last person to recognize whatever style you develop. You are too close to see your work in that way. Leave it to others to recognize your style. Trying to develop a style is elusive, to say the least. Your job is to shoot as much as possible and get as good as you possibly can, and others will recognize your style.

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February 27, 2005


  Style is nothing new. Photography has been around too long for anyone to come up with something a major different. You current style becomes different once you market it. Repeat it over and over again. People than begin to recognize your images and associate it with a style. Once the public knows and accepts this, you can charge what ever the market will bear any be $$$ successful!

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March 01, 2005


Roy Blinston
  I am a Graphic Designer & Photographer. For years clients have told me they recognise my style. I cannot see it myself. I am too close to it. I have questioned them as to what it is, and they can't tell me. It is elusive. I just carry on doing it (whatever it is). My advice: forget it. Just do your own thing and let things happen. If you go chasing "style" you will never get it, because then it will be "false style" (and it will also look false). I let my heart decide what it is I want to create (good or bad). Creation is 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration (not the other way round).

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March 01, 2005


K Daly
  Thak you for responding. I recently spoke to a photographer who told me to cultivate a cerain style, but I was having a hard time with what he meant so it is nice to hear that it is not concrete and that I had not missed anything.

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March 04, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  The best way to cultivate a style is to shoot a LOT of photos. When you do, you will begin to cultivate your own style and, as Roy and Tony have said, others will recognize your style even when you don't. Over time, your style may change but the changes will be subtle. Years later you will be able to tell the changes in your photos.

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March 04, 2005

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